Can Academia-Industry really work together?

January 17, 2025 | 03:30 PM

MDI Gurgaon is delighted to host Prof.Thomas Berger, Professor  DHBW University & Prof. Pradeep Ranchela, Deputy Dean, Mahindra University, Hyderabad for an insightful session on "Can Academia-Industry really work together?”

Date: 17th Jan 2025 (Friday)
Time: 03.45 PM IST
Mode: Offline

Session's abstract: Industry-academic collaboration is a strategic necessity in today’s dynamic times for both stakeholders. Both academics and practitioners live and work in an unprecedented era of change and opportunity. Almost every industry is being transformed by new business models and technologies, resulting in the need for new areas of research and the emergence of new career paths/skills. On one hand, traditional corporate functions are being challenged with the emergence of new tools and methods. At the same time, we academics now face questions about our relevance in the era of increasing digital content, media and business models.Yet, we rarely engage meaningfully with each other. Practitioners seldom apply or are even aware of contemporary research. They worry instead about the quantity and skill level of available talent. Academics find it difficult to sustain systematic conversations about the knowledge needs of the next generation as well as the challenges faced by practitioners. 
How does one bridge this gap? How do we create structural linkages that benefit both stakeholders? In this discussion, I will address the following:

1.    A framework for deliberate engagement with the industry
2.    Appreciate practitioners’ needs and motivations to engage
3.    Examples of working in the digital transformation and marketing space across US, Middle East and India
4.    Tips to start conversations and engage productively with practitioners
5.    Frustrations and coping mechanisms in the process

The session will be astutely moderated by Prof. Ruchi Agarwal (Assistant Professor, Strategic Management, InCharge- Incubation Centre MDI Gurgaon).