- MS Office 2021 (Microsoft Open Value Subscription Education Solution)
- SQLSvrStd 2017
- MS Project 2021
- Turnitin Feedback Studio (Anti-Plagiarism software)
- SPSS Version 29.0, Amos 29.0
- SPSS Text Analysis
- EVIEW 13
- Minitab
- Gauss Software
- Orelle Digital Language
- OLT Student Administration
Computer Centre
MDI Gurgaon has state-of-the-art IT infrastructure to support teaching, learning and academic administration. The campus is equipped with the following facilities:
Campus Network
The campus network is built on 144 core fibre optic cable backbone of 10 Gbps capacity connecting all the buildings through 12 core fibre. For intra-building connectivity, a copper Ethernet network is in place. The Computer Data Centre is the main hub of network housing all critical devices. The core network switch and AAA appliances are available in HA mode. The entire campus is Wi-Fi equipped with Aruba Access points and controllers providing seamless Wi-Fi connectivity across the campus. The network supports 2500 concurrent users.
Internet Connectivity
MDI Gurgaon campus has dedicated, secure, and high-speed internet connectivity with 1 GBPS (1:1) capacity. This is supported by another backup internet leased line of 1 GBPS (1:1).
Computer Labs
MDI Gurgaon has two computer labs for students, researchers, and faculty for academic activities. The labs are equipped with 120 Intel i5 Windows 10 desktops installed with the latest versions of software applications and internet connectivity. The computer lab is also equipped with seven LaserJet printers to provide printing facilities to the students. One section of the lab serves as Finance Lab and is equipped with Bloomberg Terminals.
E-mail System
MDI e-mail system (@mdi.ac.in) is configured on Google apps for Education Vertical. It is a user-friendly web-based e-mail system that allows users to access emails anytime, anywhere. In addition, Google Apps offer various other facilities such as Google docs, Google Meet etc., which can also be utilised in a collaborative work environment.
Data Centre
MDI Gurgaon data centre has 10 servers hosting varied applications for administration, finance, library, faculty, and staff. It also hosts a DHCP server, Firewall, and other infrastructure as indicated below:
- Firewall: The Campus Network is protected using Sophos XH 450 Appliance firewall, which facilitates intrusion detection & prevention and content filtering.
- DHCP Server and Mac Binding Application Server: The devices requiring access to MDI Gurgaon network are allocated valid IP address through DHCP server after the MAC Address of the devices are registered with Computer Centre.
- Library Server and VPN for Library Resources: It hosts the application and resources of MDI Gurgaon Library. MDI Gurgaon library resources can be accessed through cloud-based services from anywhere outside the campus by the members of MDI Gurgaon community.
- ERP Software: The Administration, HR, and Finance are using Oracle Peoplesoft ERP for all their operations.
Classrooms and Auditorium
All the classrooms are equipped with computer systems connected to the internet and audio-visual Aids. Seven of these classrooms are smart classrooms equipped with digital podium, audio systems and interactive board/laser projectors. The Auditorium of the Institute is state-of-art equipped with video wall, digital podium, video conferencing system and conferencing facility. The Institute has subscription to Zoom and MS Teams for Online sessions/ meetings.
Hostel Rooms Facilities
All the hostel rooms are provided with network and internet connectivity.
Digital Signage
Digital signages are installed at various locations in MDI Gurgaon. These are used for displaying information about the events and activities at MDI Gurgaon.
List of Software Packages Available:
- E-Library, Remote Xs
- Nvivo Software
- Oracle People Soft ERP Software licenses
- Smart PLS3
- Prosuite Software (including QDA Miner, WordStat, SimStat)
- JMP Academic Suite
- Python
- R Studio/R
- Py Torch
- Tensor Flow
- Orange