Application Process

Global Engagements Office invites applications, students being asked to submit application with statement of purpose on before mentioned timeline in communication. Communication is circulated to all students along with guidelines before begining the process.

Selection Process

After receiving the completed applications forms students are invited to appear in front of the panel comprising faculty members for an interview and justify their purpose of statement. Thereafter students are assessed based on their academic interest, subject knowledge, global awareness, foreign language knowledge and a merit list is prepared including their CGPA in previous term.

Seat Allocation Process

Allocation of seats is based on merit and first come first select the partner and submit their refundable commitment fee. Student can opt out from the process before allocation of seat, however, if any student withdraws his/her candidature for any reason whatsoever, the commitment fee will be forfeited.

As per the guidelines the commitment fee deposited by students is refundable in case of successful completion of study abroad.

Global Engagements Office have right to withdraw seat of partners, change the location after completion of the process.