
Leveraging research for positive societal impact.

MDI Gurgaon has leveraged opportunities presented by our Gurugram location and drawn on our long established business networks to research and lead new areas of expertise, in international business, public policy, financial services, and human resources. MDI Gurgaon fully embraces it's mission as a ‘place of learning’ with our endeavor to promote and mentor research that strengthens links between theory, practice and policy.

Research-intensive B-schools have a key role to play for businesses to be part of the solution to major world challenges. It is critical both for academia and the industry. Research leads to well-grounded knowledge on pressing problems. B-school research can shape how leaders think and businesses operate both now and in the future.


Research Publications

Faculty members at MDI are involved in action-centric research and organizational problems are solved with academic rigor. Many faculty members have maintained their focus of research on certain key topics and have established their expertise and credibility in that area.

List of Research and publications year wise:
2022 - 23 2021 - 22 2020 - 21 2019 - 20 2018 - 19 2017 - 18 2016 - 17 2015 - 16 2014 - 15 2013 - 14 2012 - 13 2011 - 12 2010 - 11
Research Paper
Reviving Unorganized Retail Stores Post-COVID-19

By Jaydeep Mukherjee

Research Paper
Towards A Theoretical Framework For Augmented Reality Marketing: A Means-end Chain Perspective On Retailing

By Madhushree Nanda Agarwal, Rajesh K Singh, Ritu Srivastava

Research Paper
Exploring The Role Of Augmented Reality As A New Brand Advocate

By Rajesh K Singh, Ritu Srivastava